Friday 1 April 2011

Wicca Spells 101

Wicca Spells 101

Magic spells have been a long human interest. People are fascinated on how spells could work for and against a person’s interest. However, there are magick spells which are not only performed to achieve personal gain. There are those which are practiced as part of their religious beliefs, like Wicca spells.

Wicca is deeply rooted to ancient pagan beliefs which emerged during 1940s and 1950s. Gerald Gardner first wrote wicca or wica in his publications during the ‘50s. He claimed that these practices and beliefs were based from a group that has initiated him. As reflection of their religious belief, the spells are often referred to as “magick,” spells unlike the common “magic.” This differentiates their religious belief from the common illusion tricks performed by magicians in shows.

The word Wicca seems to be based on the Old English word wicca and wice which can be the forerunner of the word witch. Wicce or wice means to have wisdom and bend or shape like bending a wicker to make a basket. Later on, the word wiccan was used to refer to practices associated with this belief system.

Pitting Wiccan beliefs against Christian beliefs is common which is why most Wicca followers would still practice in secrecy, in fear of being persecuted. Some Wicca followers would say that their beliefs are not that contradicting with Christian beliefs, in fact some would claim that there are Wiccans who admire Jesus and his acts. All Wiccans agree that Satan-worship is not part of their practices.

Nature and its elements, earth, air, fire, and water , are loved and revered. They consider themselves one with nature. Harming nature would cause nature to harm them back. Those who follow Wicca would worship the “God” and the “Goddess.” They also believe in reincarnation and the after-life.

It is believed that there is no such thing as good or evil actions. Everything is relevant. But they strictly abide to what they call “The Wiccan Rede.” The Rede states, “do what ye will, harm ye none.” In simple explanation, Wicca practices can be used freely as long as no one gets hurt in the process. The Law of Three, that states that “harm will be returned three-fold.” is strictly followed.

For Wiccans, magick is similar to Christian prayers. Using spells are part of their rituals, although, not all Wiccans use or cast spells. Spells can be both used to help or hurt and manipulate other people. Wiccan followers are strictly prohibited from using spells that will harm other people in accordance to “The Rede.”

Common belief is that “love spells” are Wiccan rituals or magick, but the truth is they are actually not allowed to use that spell. According to Mike Nichols (in Charmed, I’m sure: the ethics of love spells), a love spell can be a negative spell since its intention is to manipulate a person’s feelings towards the spell caster. Such is not ethically allowed by Wiccans.

Before a Wiccan could perform any spell or ritual, they would reflect first on its consequences and repercussions. All its possible effects should be thoroughly considered. Spells could be followed precisely, although there are instances when they can be modified to fit the spell caster’s personality and situation.

Some people may exhibit wonder, disbelief, or at times fear of the understanding and knowledge that Wiccans possess. Spells and other rituals may capture the interest of some, or may fire up a debate between what is real and what is not. But understanding the basic beliefs and principles of Wiccans make us see that what they do is not against the basic principle of every human being, which is to share life and embrace it without harming others.