Monday 28 February 2011

Elemental Magic Spells

Elemental magic spells are based on, and gain their energy from, the main universal elements. These power spells are based around water, earth, fire, air or the spirit - channelling the raw energy and enabling you to use it as an instrument. The type of spell that you choose will depend on the effects you want to achieve as each element has unique characteristics. To help you find and perform the right elemental magic spells I have put together some information on what each element offers and how you can benefit in your spell casting.

Fire Spells
One of the most popular areas of elemental magic spells, fire is powerful, energising and potentially destructive. But it has a very primal feel about it and is therefore a wonderful element for you to use to build your skills and test your potential. Spells to control fire, such as moving the candle flame, take practise and patience but will really show you what you're capable of.

Water Spells
Water spells are amongst the most flexible of all elemental magic spells. Think of how water is around us in so many varied forms and states and you will see why - it carries the force of the sea, the gentle flow of a stream and is of course the giver of life. So water spells can bring calm to your life, help you to get things developing and moving along or inject the necessary power into your spell (and life!).

Air Spells
Air spells can be very cleansing and are therefore perfect for new beginnings and banishing spells. They can be used to carry away your problems and rid yourself of the negativity of every day life and others around you. They are often very simple elemental magic spells, involving placing herbs or powders in the palm of your hand and blowing away the issues.

Earth Spells
Earth spells are for more every day matters, so spells that relate to money, that require a 'down to earth' or common sense point of view or even for protection. Use ingredients such as herbs, or things grown in the earth to invoke its power.

Spirit Spells
Spells of the spirit should be personal to you - this element is essentially you. Wherever possible, perform spells that you have written yourself. You can also include and make use of your psychic ability to help you visualise your spell's purpose or fix on the future outcome. You can also use meditation to help ground yourself, which will help to both preserve and focus your energies. You may wonder at why spirit spells are classed as an elemental magic spell here. But remember that spell work should centre around your relationship with the world around you and you are always firmly at the heart of all your work.

For constantly updated free spells, please visit my blog

And for spell ingredients, Wicca supplies as well as unique new age gifts come to our website


Francesca x

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Sunday 27 February 2011

Love Spells for Various Reasons

Love Spells for Various Reasons

There is a wide range of reasons why a person cast spell on a fellow human being. Reasons may include love, money, success, or revenge to name a few. One reason branches out to varying methods depending on the nature of what the wisher wants to happen.

Take for example love reasons. A method done in love spells varies according to what the wisher wants. Retrieve a love spell, gay love spell, unconditional love spell, and break-up or breaking spell are just a few examples of spells on love.

For people who lost their loved ones, retrieve love spells help them get back their lovers. Unconditional love spells are used especially when one is doubtful of his lover’s loyalty and wants to secure the presence of love in their relationship. Meanwhile, gay love spells are effective in attracting someone of the same sex and break-up love spells for reviving your lover’s interest in you.

Let us give you an example of a simple love spell. This is best done on Friday and when the moon is in its fullest.

The things you will need are sheet of lined paper, red pen or marker, letter envelope, your favorite perfume, your favorite shade of lipstick or a red one, and few pink or red flower petals.

The first step is to write the good qualities you want your lover to have. Write these things on the sheet of paper using the red pen or marker. The next step is to spray the paper with your favorite perfume. This is followed by imagining a good scenario. Envision yourself happy and in-love while holding the flower petals in your right hand; keep thinking about this scene. The fourth step is to drop the petals into the envelope. Lastly, seal the envelope with paste and kiss it. Before kissing the envelope, make sure you have applied the red lipstick first. With this spell, it is important to remember that this envelope should never be opened nor read by anyone else. Otherwise, the spell will be broken.

A spell to retrieve a lost love can be done through love bath. This is more complicated because you will need a potion such as patchouli, lemon verbena, cinnamon, vetiver, or rose. Once the potion has been added to the bath water, add three drops of Musk oil, three drops of Frangipani oil, and drops of vanilla. Put together your lover’s and your hairs, nail clippings, menstrual fluid and some of your semen in one container. Then, wrap the container in bright red paper. Using a gold-inked pain, write the Chinese characters for love, good fortune, and happiness on one side while your full real names on the other side. This ritual is done at sunrise after the Chinese New Year. Do these things while facing the northern direction.

While many love spells require several stuffs accompanied with ritual, the simple love spell is done simply by walking to a spot beneath your lover’s bedroom window and then whispering his or her name three times to the night wind. Simple love spell helps gain the love of someone; it is most effective during the night when its full moon.

It is important to note that the will of the wisher defines the power of the spell.

Thursday 24 February 2011

Cast Stronger Magic Spells and Never Complain and Never Explain

Winston Churchill was well known for saying "Never complain, never explain," and when it comes to building force and strength in your magical practice, Churchill had the right equation.

People contact us all the time asking about how they can cast stronger magic spells. Sometimes they complain that their spells had no effect.

Sometimes the effect was less than expected. And sometimes a spell that didn't work so well for one person worked great for another.

So what's the difference?

Sources of Force in Casting Stronger Magic Spells

When you get right down to it, a spell is nothing more than a formalized intention supported by any powers and beings you might invite to help. A spell is the formalization of your own intention... your desire to create a specific effect in the world.

Does a spell have power in and of itself? Yes. A spell has many source of power outside of your own desire and force, including:

  • higher powers and beings that respond to magic
  • the force of magical practitioners who have used the spell before
  • the power sound, as found in litanies, chants, and drumming
  • the strength of any keyed magical tools used during the spell
  • the force of symbols, which are doorways to actual sources of power
  • and so forth...

But, having said all of that, to cast stronger magic spells you always have to examine yourself. You are the most powerful driving force of any magical spell. So then the question becomes, how can you increase your own force so that you can cast stronger magic spells?

Building Your Own Force to Cast Strong Magic Spells

There are many magic rituals that can help you build force, and almost any positive magic ritual done on a CONSISTENT basis will increase your force. But going back to Winston Churchill's quote of "never complain, never explain," I have to say that this is one of my favorite ways to increase inner force. Magically, it makes sense. Here's why.

Never Complain

Complaining, as you have probably already experienced, puts you in a negative state of being. While you may feel better in the moment, as you complain, what you are actually doing is spending focused time manifesting what you don't want (i.e., whatever you are complaining about). So stop complaining already.

Actually, quitting the habit of complaining can be almost as difficult as kicking a smoking habit or any other addiction. So here are three tips that might help:

1. Even if you are complaining and nattering to yourself inside, do everything in your power not to express the complaint outwardly. Outer silence comes before inner silence.

2. If you really need to vent, give yourself five minutes a day and let it all hang out. Write it down in a journal or call a good friend. Then, let 'er rip. The rest of the day, don't complain.

3. To quiet either inner or outer complaint, when you feel the urge, tell yourself, "I'll let myself complain in five minutes." Five minutes later, tell yourself the same thing. This technique is known to work well for both smokers and complainers.

If you limit complaining for 40 days, you'll be amazed at how much your inner force increases, which will have a positive effect not just in terms of casting magic spells, but also in terms of improving your life overall. Well, duh, right? But it had to be said.

Never Explain

This is the part where most magical practitioners lose the most force. There is always the temptation to "explain" what we are doing and why to other people, for a variety of reasons.

Many of us just like to feel like we are not alone on the journey, so there's the temptation to explain our magic to friends who are not magical practitioners. Other times, we might feel the need to show off or demonstrate our powers, especially when challenged by non-believers.

Whatever the reason, explaining the use of magic goes against one of the primary Rules of the Road (the universal laws that govern magical practice). Created by George Dew, these rules hold true whether you believe them or not. The one that specifically applies to the "never explain" clause is this one:

"Never use magic for show, pride, or vainglory. Using magic to show off, to prove a point, or from a place of injured pride usually results in side-bands (undesirable side effects) to the operation that will bring very undesirable backlash from the Universe."

So even if you feel sorely tempted, never explain your magic, don't. In esoteric practice, there is something called the "hermetic seal." This seal refers to the practice of keeping certain aspects of your magical practice compartmentalized, away from public view.

While we definitely believe that certain magic rituals should be integrated into daily life, such as the Navajo Beauty Way, if you want to increase your force as a magical practitioner, keep a hermetic seal around most of your magical practice, especially spell work. In other words, if you want to cast stronger magic spells, keep your mouth shut about it.

I have no idea whether Winston Churchill practiced any form of magic or not, but the guy hit the nail on the head when he said "Never complain, never explain." To increase the force of your magic spells, try following this dictum for 40 days or so. If you manage it, even partly, you'll be both pleased and surprised by the result!

Alan Joel co-founded the Esoteric School of Shamanism and Magic with the goal of the helping people create permanent, positive change in their lives through the study of magic and shamanism. Get free magical and shamanic tips and resources, along with ebooks and home study courses, at Get more magic tips on the blog at

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Tuesday 22 February 2011

Black Magic Spells and Incantations

Black Magic Spells and Incantations

Black magic spells and crafts work with a tremendous force. It uses the negative vibes and energy surrounding us whose true potential is yet not completely realized by scientists all over the world. Unlike white magic, black magic is far more guaranteed, because once cast the spell can in no way be stopped from showing its effects.

In white magic, negative emotions can at times pose as obstruction but in black magic negativity acts like an accelerator and it will help it further to ignite more hatred which is required for the proper functioning of the spell. Since black magic is quite annihilating so naturally it has the power to destroy and ruin any positive emotions that can come in its way, to achieve its purpose.

Black magic spells consist of incantations that are repeated as a form of prayer to satisfy some unknown supernatural and evil forces dominating nature. They have the power to evoke the drowsy and evil spirits which otherwise stay dormant and whose effects are not naturally visible to us. Incantation of black magic has a supreme quality of setting in vibrations. These vibrations according to the physics of sound vibrations produce compressions and rarefaction to foment the negative powers to achieve its goals.

There are specific incantations which are used only for black magic. If you observe, then you will definitely find the use of dynamic words that are hard hitting. They are so articulated and pronounced that they produce vehement vibrations, and two same amplitudes can also create a resonance which has the power to make the surrounding air vibrate with greater amplitude.

Apart from incantations, movements of hands are also involved to set in motion dark matters, which actually do not exist, but due to the gravitational effects on other matter, their existence may be proved. They have a high mass energy density which accounts for their true potential.

Black magic spells and incantations are usually performed and chanted during dark hours as this is the time when reality can be changed and unseen forces which are responsible for the creation of the universe and also for the evolution of man, are at constant work. This hour is best known as "the thinning of veils". This is because it is the transition time of reality and the occult world. Many things work at this time which has tremendous power.

Black magic spells and incantations are something with which you should avoid meddling.

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Monday 21 February 2011

White Magic Spells and The Importance of Colours

It is vital that in your witchcraft you use the correct colours.

This is extremely important with all kinds of magic.

Colours touch all parts of the unconscious mind, which will free your emotions and feelings, and will then, in turn, release the magic, energy and power which is locked in all off us.

To get the very best results with your white magic spells, you need to use the right colours.

Colours mean different things to different people, and each person sees a colour differently, we all use colours differently. You can choose to use colours however you feel you would like, this will depend on what you would personally prefer.

There are myriad ways to make use of colours in modern magic, what you use is up to you, you could for instance, use herbs and plants, candles, robes, clothes, charms, gems, crystals, coloured water, alter cloths - these would all add to the strength of your white magic spells.

The ancient Egyptians used coloured sunlight to light their sacred chambers within their temples. Each of their 'healing rooms' were illuminated with a single vivid colour from rays of sunlight that were split into the different colours. When a visitor, or patient was diagnosed they were directed into the relevant coloured chamber, which would then heal and restore them.

It is believed that the lost civilization of Atlantis (which many scholars believe really did exist) also used crystal filtered light for their healing chambers.

Below are just some of the colours which would help with your magic:

  • White: White is positive, and is helpful in nearly every magic spell, as it is all of the colours of the spectrum combined. It is restorative, purifying and cleansing. Use for spirituality, harmony, peace, light, safety and protection.
  • Blue or Purple: These are luxurious, rich and dark and powerful colours. They enable feelings of control, influence and power. These colours are also connected with truth, understanding and loyalty.
  • Green: Associated with the colour green are prosperity and abundance, money, ambition and success.
  • Yellow: Is for calming and confidence. It can add warmth and inspiration, and is a healing colour.
  • Red: This a very powerful colour and is used for passion, also love. It can cause a "whole body" reaction in people. It can raise heartbeat and activate body and mind, and help to focus attention. Although red can be for anger, spells should never be cast in anger.
Look at the colours that you see every day and take note of them. What effect those colours have on you. Then put that to use in your white magic. Try a few spells from different spell books to give you a clearer idea of how colors can affect your magic.

Your White Magic Spells will be enhanced with your knowledge of the importance of colour. Find our more.

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Saturday 19 February 2011

Make Magic Spells That Last Forever

Magic spells are the tools that enlightened people use to bring about positive change in their lives, improve themselves and the people around them, and achieve their life goals and dreams. Many people have used magic spells for their entire lives and had huge success with magic, achieving some incredible feats that defy explanation.

If you've been using magic and spells to help you in your life, I'm sure you will recognise the following situation:

1) You have a problem and it needs solving. Or you have a desire for something and you need some help to achieve it. You decide you use witchcraft and select a specific magic spell for the purpose you require.

2) You cast the spell, and immediately begin to look around yourself for the visible results of your magic working. For the first few weeks, you see results and are happy and content with your efforts.

3) However, after a few weeks, the results begin to fade. You do not feel so good about your spell, and you almost forget what results you HAVE seen and begin to question whether or not the spell worked at all!

But fear not, this is a common situation for all witches and wizards who practice witchcraft. The problem is that the power of your spells will fade over time as your interest, desire, focus and attention to that spell and the results of that spell also fades.

The secret to making magic spells last forever comes in 3 simple parts, which if followed to the letter can dramatically increase the lifespan of your spells up to five times, and in some cases make the spells permanent (as in, forever!)

1) Firstly, chose a specific spell. If you cast general or vague magic and you do not focus your will accurately, the magic will dispersed over a wider area and not be as effective. In order for spells to last a long time (or even work at all) they must be directed towards a single goal. The more specific you can get a spell, the better.

2) Secondly, cast the magic spell at your most powerful time (usually during a full moon). Put all your energy, spirit and effort into it. You may wish to prepare the evening before with some meditation to collect your strength, and then afterwards do not cast any other spells for at least 21 days. You only have so much power, and you do not want to spread it too thinly.

3) Thirdly, every full moon after the casting, perform a booster ritual. This can be going over the spell again, or simply spending 10 minutes meditating with a candle of your choice to revitalise the spell in your mind. Remember why you cast it, remember the problems you were having or the goals you wanted to achieve, and remember what it felt like to cast the spell, and strongly visualise your intended outcome and results.

By constantly "topping up" your spells, you can keep them alive. But be warned, this is a very tiring process so don't try to do it for all your spells - just the ones you want to keep going for the longest.

Specific magic spells are the best magic spells you can use to get long lasting and even permanent results. Learn more about witchcraft, white magic and download specially crafted specific magic spells from my website.

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Wednesday 16 February 2011

History of Voodoo's Spells and Rituals

History of Voodoo's Spells and Rituals

Contradictory to popular notion that Voodoo is associated with magical spells, Voodoo is a type of religion practiced by millions of people mainly from southeastern Ghana, southern and central Togo, southern and central Benin, and southwestern Nigeria.

Voodoo is a traditional Polytheistic religion in West Africa, Nigeria, and Ghana. The word came from “vodun,” which means spirit in African language. When it is capitalized, it refers to the religion. Vodun is distinct from other animistic religions. In Vodun, the temple of gods and goddesses is complex. They believe the entire creation is divine. Therefore, everything is divine. Such belief explains the varied objects used in religious rituals.

Vodun is known as Voodoo in non-African countries, mainly referring to Voodoo practices. Today, it has become a mixture of Catholicism and African religions. Hence, varying groups of voodoo practitioners were formed, each using different traditions. However diverse their traditions are, there is only one basis for their religion.

Because Voodoo is polytheistic, Voodoo practitioners believe in several gods and goddesses. The practitioners believe that there are two spirits in one soul. One spirit stays in the body while the other wanders. This led to the belief that the soul can be trapped into another being or object. Several rituals are done to keep this wandering soul from remaining earthbound. During this ritual, gifts are sacrificed to the spirits.

The curses and spells usually associated with voodoo beliefs are part of the rituals. It is important to note that in performing rituals, Voodoo focuses on health, happiness, and good fortune. They rarely believe in spirits promising a better afterlife. That is why, voodoo practices are used in health and success spells.

Nevertheless, voodoo spells are not bound only to these positive energies. The rituals can also be used against enemies. These spells are only effective if the wisher believes in the power of the religion.

In performing a spell, either bad or good, voodoo practitioners traditionally use voodoo dolls. However, these dolls are usually utilized when one wishes harm toward the person the doll represents.

There is a process considered in making a voodoo dolls. The first step is to make a body for the voodoo doll by placing two twigs in a cross shape. In wrapping the moss around the body of the voodoo doll, start in the middle and work your way up, around the head and arms then back down the other side. Use one piece if possible and stuff it tightly. Create eyes, nose, and mouth using buttons, beads, sees, or peas. Thread these materials onto the voodoo doll.

During ritual, voodoo believers chant and dance to connect with the spiritual forces. They would know spirits are called when one of the dancers is being possessed. Because the spirits choose whom to possess, voodoo followers believe it is a gift from god. Thus, the possessed believer is treated with reverence during the course of the ritual. In fact, several believers say that simply touching the possessed person during possession can lead to death.

Friday 11 February 2011

Black Magic Spells What You Need to Know

There is an uptake in interest more than ever people are searching for free black magic spells and many people are offering these services on a whim. This type of black magic is highly dangerous and uses the powers of darkness and usually has bad ju ju beneath it.

Anyone offering to perform this kind of magical work on your behalf should not be trusted. The rituals associated with this are unseal out to cause destruction. These people don't care too much about other people, as most of there work is for personal gain. By giving these spells away for free they attract more customers into there funnel.

They often offer services like brake up rituals, revenge rites and curses. The phrase black magic is often used by users of white magic who don't like those who use magic for bad. But just because it is called magic does not mean it has to be used for bad things it can be used for good purposes too like banishing something that is unwanted for example a disease.

It is usually the case in most Hollywood films that witchcraft and the magical arts is not represented very fairly and often made out to be linked with Satanism which is just not the case.

There is a three-fold rule of spell casting which states that what ever you do you intend as the outcome to your spell if it has malicious intend it will come back to you three fold remember this when you are next offered and free black magic spells and beware of the risk or harm to yourself and others.

if you are looking for a real witchcraft spell? Then come to

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Tuesday 8 February 2011

Are Spells Projected Energy

For the record, it is important to know that spells are projected energies sent out by spell casters of various color. Though not necessarily of the demonic type, this energy will also NEVER hurt you on two conditions.

One, you do not possess any of the negative collective consciousness imprinted on you. And two, you do not believe in any of these practices.

Ancient crafts

There had been many ancient practices since the olden times. These have surfaced and are now called by many names depending on the places where they came from: sorcery, witchcraft, voodoo, shamanism, and magic.

Like in all things, there is a dark side and a light side to these practices. There will always be a malevolent or benevolent part, an intention to hurt or an intention to heal.

The famous so-called Satanism, for example, uses the dark-side energies while the other group only uses light or benevolent energies. For purposes of information, the Satanic or demonic dark-side witchcraft energies are the most focused of all, and not necessarily the more powerful.


Spells are sometimes placed during satanic or demonic rituals by voodoo practitioners, sorcerers, witches or magicians who work in the dark side. Negative projections can also be sent by powerful shamans projecting hate, jealousy or a desire to possess your money, power, body or spirit.

Creating spells are not the sole province of malevolent witches, warlocks or bad people. Sometimes, spells are placed by sorcerers on themselves for protection against harm, or anything evil on them.

If a spell or a curse is placed on someone, this does not mean that person is bad. Mostly, these people are plainly accused of being a witch, a healer, or a herbalist. In the Middle Ages, they were burned at stakes. As they die, they might have screamed back at the crowd, “I’ll get back at you and hurt you.”

This scenario had set a pattern in the past. The negative energies are frozen in time. These are now the same energies that attract the collective consciousness into the future which is now.

Basic energies

In simplistic terms, this is the basic energy around spells and curses. Today, there are groups in the dark side that look for these patterns in certain susceptible people. At times, they look for regions on the planet and tap into these for the energy and empower themselves in the process.

When a person is vulnerable, angry or emotional, there is a tendency for spells to be attached to that person. When someone’s field is open (because of negative emotions), it is possible to project an idea into that person and locking her in a spell of intentional energy.

Last notes

It may seem surprising but there are still active cult groups today. Some of them are doing some bad things they were used to in the olden times. The best deterrent against spells and curses is still thorough information and understanding.

Knowing and fully understanding these age-old spells will dissolve your fears. For some strange reasons, spells have no power on people who do not fear but know how to face anything head on.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Cast Stronger Magic Spells Voodoo Style

Cast Stronger Magic Spells Voodoo Style

Voodoo magic often uses simulacra magic, or the magic of using objects with a "likeness" to something in the outer world, to create an effect in the outer world.

For instance, one magical practitioner took revenge on another by "keying" a figurine to that person, and then shipping the figurine around the world on a slow ship. Needless to say, the victim of the voodoo magic spell was nauseous and dizzy for about a month (the length of the voyage). This is an example of an effective voodoo style magic spell.

How to Cast Stronger Voodoo Spells

In the case of simulacra magic, as in the use of voodoo dolls, many magical practitioners fail achieve strong results. Then they think that voodoo magic doesn't work. Not so. However, there are reasons that simulacra magic does not work as well as it should. Normally, there are three reasons that simulacra magic doesn't produce as strong a result as it should.

1. The Voodoo Object Is Not Similar Enough to the Real Thing

As the name implies, simulacra magic means that the object used in the spell should be as "similar" as possible to the object of the spell. If, for instance, you are going to use a simulacrum in a map spell, to move a naughty neighbor out of your area, then your best bet is to choose a "voodoo doll" that is as similar to your neighbor in looks and personality as possible. If your neighbor is tall, gaunt, and hunched, then look for a figurine that is tall, gaunt, and hunched over. A short fat figurine won't work, nor will a ballerina figurine. It always amazes me how many people pick any old figurine to use for a voodoo spell. If you want to cast stronger voodoo spells, be very specific about the object used as the simulacrum.

2. The Material of the Voodoo Doll or Object Won't Hold a Key

"Keying" is the magical process by which you connect the object of a simulacra spell to the object it represents in the real world. For instance, in the case of the map spell, keying is the process by which you connect the figurine to your naughty neighbor. Assuming that you have chosen a figurine that closely matches your neighbor in looks and personality, you next must be sure that the figurine is made of a material that will hold the "key," or connection to the real world person.

Materials such as wood, metal, glass, and ceramic work well. Plastic, rubber, and modern composites tend not to hold a key. If you want to cast stronger voodoo spells, make sure your voodoo doll or object is made of the right materials. For most simple voodoo magic spells, you can key a figurine just by holding it in your dominant hand and flowing energy into the object as you think about the person. Once the object feels warm and tingly, it is keyed. Just be careful: once keyed, whatever you do to the object you do to the person and you are karmically responsible! Read about Rules of the Road on our website for more information about the universal laws that govern magical practice.

3. The Voodoo Doll or Object Was Not Cleansed

Cleansing a simulacrum is very important prior to use in spellwork, especially if the object is not new. Objects pick up vibrations and energy when they are handled, so you want to cleanse these from the object before using it in your spell. A basic four-element cleansing with a firebowl and chalice usually does the trick (learn how to do basic cleansing with out Firebowl and Chalice ebooks). Once an object is cleansed, it's ready for use in spellwork, and you avoid any "side bands" that might have been generated from previous handling of the object.

Simulacra or voodoo magic is a powerful form of magic. If you are not getting the intended results from your voodoo magic spells, check these three points to see if your spell is leaking energy. If so, as demonstrated in the three points above, remedying the situation isn't difficult. As Reverend George Dew of the Church of Seven Arrows always used to say:

"Take your time, think it through, and do it right!"

Alan Joel co-founded the Esoteric School of Shamanism and Magic with the goal of the helping people create permanent, positive change in their lives through the study of magic and shamanism. Get free magical and shamanic tips and resources, along with ebooks and home study courses, at Get more magic tips on the blog at

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Friday 4 February 2011

Make White Magic Spells Work For You

White magic spells are awesome. Let's just put that out there right away, and get it over with. I am a white witch and have been using magic spells in my life for many years with great success. Almost everything I have, I have got with the help of white magic and spells. And i'm nobody special - if I can do it, so can you!

So let's quickly discuss what white magic spells are.

Firstly, white magic is all about good, positive, pure and helpful magic. There are no evil, harmful or negative thoughts or intentions in this style of magic, and if you have those sorts of intentions you should stop reading right now and try doing a search for "Black Magic" instead (many witches don't like giving magic colours and distinguishing between different "types", but I think it is a good idea to steer people away from the dark arts because they're dangerous and no help to anyone!)

Secondly, white magic is easy, simple and fun. White magic uses your inner beliefs, wishes and desires to cause positive change in your life, and the lives of people around you. A white magic spell is a simple ritual process often involving artefacts like candles, crystals, pens and paper, flowers and herbs, water, incense and so on. Spells are a tool to help you unlock your inner energy and power, and release it into the world and the universe around you.

When you cast a magic spell, you "release" your intentions and concentrate your mind and your thoughts on making changes happen so that your wishes come to reality. While spells don't work instantly (although sometimes they can), you should see results as long as you continue to focus your mind on your desired outcome and keep the spell working.

Now let's discuss how you can make white magic spells work for you.

Basically you have to choose an area of your life that you would like to improve. It might be your love life, your money or financial situation, your job, your career, your health, your happiness or anything like that. Next, you need to find a specific magic spell that is designed to help you achieve your wishes - perhaps you want to attract a new lover, or get a promotion, or protect your house from negative energy that is ruining the atmosphere.

Once you have found the spell, prepare yourself for the casting and then follow the instructions in the spell. You have to fully throw yourself into the spell, committing all your belief and energy and power into it. Feel every word you say, and visualise the magic in the air around you as you cast, and visualise your intended outcome and goals at the end.

Don't expect instant or overnight results for your first spell - it can take a bit of practice to get used to it, and get used to spotting results. Keep your eyes open for any positive changes or opportunities in your life that will have come as a result of your magic.

Above all, make sure you get decent quality spells, crafted by someone who understands the many underlying principles of powerful and effective white magic. If you get a poor quality spell and then you don't fully commit to it, you may not see the results you desire.

In summary: white magic spells are a fun, easy, simple and effective way to change your life for the better. There are many different magic spells available for love, money, luck, health, protection, power and lots more. Visit my magic spells website to get some free samples of powerful white magic today.

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